According to research, people who postpone their tasks more often are smarter. This can be said for many famous scientists like Adam Grant. He said procrastination is key to innovation. Steve Jobs used procrastination strategically in order to allow his brain to rest by switching tasks. Adam Grant said, “The time Steve Jobs was putting things off and noodling on possibilities was time well spent in letting more divergent ideas come to the table, as opposed to diving right in with the most conventional, the most obvious, the most familiar.”
Constant Snacking
It’s no secret that chewing gum increases brain activity and focus. However, it only lasts for 20 minutes, unfortunately. All the same, scientists recently discovered that smarter people tend to have a habit of chewing something constantly. It’s explained that when a person chews, it allows the brain to be more open to reflection as well as self-analysis. So, if you’re one to snack throughout the day, that means you’re thinking more.