Overly Sensitive To Sounds
Anything from creaking floors, chips crunching, to loud breathing can distract people with a higher IQ. The University of Helsinki conducted a study that found a strong link between a person’s ability to find unconventional solutions to problems to the inability to ignore noises. In fact, there is a real diagnosis for a condition like this. It’s called misophonia. Those who have it have changes in brain activity when a sound plays next to them, such as someone eating.

Overly Sensitive To Sounds
Longer Ring Finger
Karl Pinsk, a Norwegian physician, has spoken about determining the inclination of a person based on the ratio of the length of their fingers. According to this observation, the longer the ring finger is, the more the person can handle math problems. However, verbal assignments can be a challenge. Another small study found that those who had ring fingers that were longer than their index fingers had a higher income. Make of that information what you will.

Longer Ring Finger