You Can Tell That A Person Has High Intelligence When They Do These Things

Published on 10/26/2020

Often Swearing

This might sound weird, but people who use more curse words and swears are more intelligent. It’s most likely that intelligent people have mastered their vocabulary and use a wider range of words to express their emotions in the most accurate way. Until recently, it was believed that those who swear are less educated people. However, a study done by psychologists found just the opposite: the more educated a person is, the more they swear.

Often Swearing

Often Swearing


Blondes Have More Fun

We’ve all heard the old stereotype that blondes are less intelligent. Not to mention, all the jokes. Well, a study of nearly 10,000 Americans found that blonds have slightly higher IQs than darker-haired people. However, it turns out that the difference was too small to be statistically significant. All the same, one thing can be said with certainty: blondes are not the least bit dumber than darker-haired people.

Blondes Have More Fun

Blondes Have More Fun