20 Wild Rules That Genghis Khan’s Warrior Had To Live By

Published on 08/29/2021

The Best Tactic

Genghis Khan might encircle an enemy army in this fashion. This approach can also be paired with a planned retreat. So the Mongolians could strike in the sides and from the rear whenever the enemy moved in pursuit. Then the Mongols who were in retreat might turn around and attack the front. Genghis Khan regularly defeated superior-numbered army forces using similar methods.

The Best Tactic

The Best Tactic


#7. Win sieges with engineering

Genghis Khan was given a completely new battlefield challenge by Afortified City. Hidden behind lofty fights, if an adversary had sufficient supplies in its citadel, he might last longer. Genghis Khan could not feel safe in the region he invaded unless such a fortress was defeated. So what has he done? So what?

#7. Win Sieges With Engineering

#7. Win Sieges With Engineering