Lion Statue Brings Antiques Roadshow Expert To Tears

Published on 08/02/2018

Pristine Condition

This photo might not clearly show how breathtaking it had been for Mason. Nevertheless, Mason’s account of his experience on Antiques Roadshow Insider was enough to show how much enthusiasm he had about the discovery. It was difficult for him to believe how flawless the statue was. As he stated, the statue was “smooth and unmarred by damage.”

Pristine Condition

Pristine Condition

The piece seemed as if it had been finished not so long ago and it looked quite new. Mason gave more details on Antiques Roadshow Insider

The Base Is Important

In Mason’s opinion, the base of the statue conveyed very significant information. “One of the ways that I can tell you that it’s what it’s supposed to be…not only from the artistic aspects of it…” he said.

The Base Is Important

The Base Is Important

“But when you look at it underneath, you can see that there is every indication of great age from the chisel-work that has taken place to the sort-of sandy surface, which is fantastic that gives you the kind of patina that you want to see.”