Lion Statue Brings Antiques Roadshow Expert To Tears

Published on 08/02/2018

The Lion Is One of The Most Amazing & Expensive Finds In The History Of Antiques

This story and statue are incredibly unique. It is definitely one of the most interesting stories on the topic in existence. We do have a few other examples of normal people finding antiques that are incredibly historically important and valuable. For example, below you see an extremely rare Faberge ornamental flower.

The Lion Is One Of The Most Amazing Expensive Finds In The History Of Antiques

The Lion Is One Of The Most Amazing Expensive Finds In The History Of Antiques

When an expert named Georggrey Munn first saw it, he gasped and stated: “It is the rarest, most poetic manifestation of Faberge’s work that one could ever hope to see” and it is “A sensation beyond our wildest dreams.” The jade ornament was brought in by Honorary Colonel Stamford Cartwright. It is only 5 inches tall, but guess how much it is worth? A whopping $1 million!

Shakespeare Notepad

When an expert at the Antiques Roadshow saw this, he said his hands were literally “trembling.” It is an incredibly rare 17th-century tiny notepad which contains Shakespeare’s plays from the time they were performed!

Shakespeare Notepad

Shakespeare Notepad

The specialist just gushed and said, “There is so much research that can be done on this item. It’s absolutely extraordinary. My hands are trembling now, just looking at it.” He predicted it would sell for more than £30,000 at an auction!