You Probably Had No Idea That There Were Photographs Of These Historical Figures

Published on 11/19/2020

Butch Cassidy (1900)

Robert LeRoy Parker, better known as Butch Cassidy, is considered one of the most charming Old West outlaws. John D. Barton of the Utah State University shared, “Operating around the turn of the century, Cassidy and his partners put together the longest sequence of successful bank and train robberies in the history of the American West.” The photo shows a cropped image of him with the “Wild Bunch” in what people now call the Fort Worth Five photograph. This was shot by John Swartz in his studio in Fort Worth, Texas back in 1900. The members went by the nicknames News Carver, Tall Texan, the Sundance Kid, Elzy Lay, Flat-Nose Curry, Bob Meeks, Kid Curry, Laura Bullion, and Deaf Charley.

Butch Cassidy (1900)

Butch Cassidy (1900)

Calamity Jane (1901)

Do you know who Martha Jane Cannary is? If not, you might know her as Calamity Jane instead. She was an American frontierswoman who has appeared in a lot of Wild West legends and tall tales alike. The photo below was taken in 1901, not long before her demise. It shows her in the kitchen of her home in Livingston, Minnesota. History said, “The myths and fabrications concerning the life of Calamity Jane are so numerous it is difficult to discover her true story. Legend has it that at various times Jane worked as a dishwasher at Fort Bridger, a laborer on the Union Pacific, a scout for General Custer, and a teamster.”

Calamity Jane (1901)

Calamity Jane (1901)