Cozy Setup
It took Luke Thill a year to finish building his tiny home but he did it! Does he use it? You betcha.

Cozy Setup
Luke sleeps in it a few nights a week, does his homework there, and also entertains his friends in his own tiny home. While it took a year, it didn’t matter – Luke accomplished what he set out to do. And people took notice.
First Night
Luke Thill was eager to spend his first night in his tiny home! Plus he needed to know if it was even habitable, even before it was officially marked as finished. In the midst of sub-zero Iowa winter nights, he decided to spend the night in his tiny home.

First Night
He wasn’t sure he had installed enough insulation but after sleeping in his new bed for the first time, he announced on his YouTube page that it actually so warm in the night, he had to open the windows! Sounds like success to us.