Trying To Talk To Streep
The younger actress said she tried a number of different icebreakers on Streep, but to no avail. She said, “And if you have anxiety, and you force yourself to talk to someone, being met with silence is like being thrown into a demonic pit. It’s so bad.” She eventually tried to bring up Jon Stewart.

Trying To Talk To Streep
She Finally Responded
Hathaway even asked Streep, “By any chance did you see the Daily Show with Jon Stewart last night? I think that he is just so brilliant. I think he is saving America.” “I thought my life was over,” Hathaway recalled afterward, as she sat in silence. Streep, in a surprising turn of events, said, “No, I don’t think Jon Stewart is going to save America. I think Stephen Colbert is.” Obviously, Colbert loved that.

She Finally Responded