She Helped Out Anne Hathaway
The casting of Anne Hathaway as Andy, the beleaguered assistant, was influenced by Meryl Streep. While Hathaway was desperate to land the role, producers weren’t so sure. They didn’t want Hathaway’s reputation for representing kid-friendly fare, which they found to be the case. After being offered the role three times, Rachel McAdams turned it down each time.

She Helped Out Anne Hathaway
She Was Great
A statement from the film’s director, David Frankel to Entertainment Weekly, stated that, “Brokeback Mountain was about to come out. Annie had a wonderful, small role in that. And Meryl watched that scene from the movie, she met with her and called up Tom Rothman at Fox and said, ‘Yeah, this girl’s great, and I think we’ll work well together.’”

She Was Great