When Amy Poehler And Tiny Fey Are Together
There is a phrase that goes, “climbing up the stairs.” It looks like comediennes Tina Fey and Amy Poehler took the saying to a whole new level by doing this to appear on the stage. They did this at the Emmy Awards in 2013. The good news is that they were both wearing ballgowns that ensured they did not expose anything they did not want to reveal. You never know what is going to happen when you have these two funny women together. We are eager to see what they come up with next time.

When Amy Poehler And Tiny Fey Are Together
Margot Robbie And Jonah Hill At The Golden Globes
Jonah Hill and Margot Robbie got to know each other better when they worked on The Wolf of Wall Street. In 2014, they were reunited to present at the Golden Globes. They were meant to show a clip from the new Martin Scorsese movie when they noticed the teleprompter’s error. The actor called it out and explained that the screen was showing the wrong words. In the end, they got a hard copy of the script that was on hand. Can you believe that something like that can even happen?

Margot Robbie And Jonah Hill At The Golden Globes