Michael Cera Is Just Like His Characters
In most of his films, Michael Cera plays an awkward guy. It makes a lot of sense since he is quite an awkward guy in real life too! In 2013, he tripped over his own two feet at the Sundance Film Festival. He had been standing there when he suddenly fell over and fell to the ground. Catalina Sandino had been standing close to him and tried to break his fall to no avail. In the end, they simply made a joke of it!

Michael Cera Is Just Like His Characters
Jennifer Lawrence Skipped The Steps
When Jennifer Lawrence attended the Oscars in 2018, she decided to give up on pretending to be classy and posh. She decided to embrace her embarrassing inner self instead! The actress donned this gorgeous dress, which she did not mind hitching around her hips. She did so in the hopes of skipping the row of seats instead of making her way down the row. It might have saved her some time, but we are worried about that gorgeous Dior dress. We hope that it did not sustain a rip or two while she was at it.

Jennifer Lawrence Skipped The Steps