Buzz Aldrin Finally Shares Everything About The Moon Landing

Published on 12/09/2021

Taking It Out Of Context

We all know how easy it is, especially in this day and age, to take things out of context. This has been utilized by moon truthers as more evidence to support their assertions. The top page of the Daily Express read: “‘It was so well staged!’ Buzz Aldrin’s Moon landing confession revealed after 50 years” in July 2020.

Taking It Out Of Context

Taking It Out Of Context


If It Were Indeed Staged

You’d think he was implying that the Apollo 11 mission was a complete hoax and that the images were manufactured if you didn’t know better. Did Buzz Aldrin, on the other hand, truly feel that the entire mission had been meticulously planned from start to finish? This does not appear to be the situation.

If It Were Indeed Staged

If It Were Indeed Staged