You Can Count On These Maps If You Want A New Perspective

Published on 12/07/2020

Poland Will Fit Inside The Lone Star State

Did you know that you can put Poland inside Texas and still find a way to drive around it without entering the country? Everything is truly bigger in the Lone Star State! Who would have thought that you can fit an Eastern European country over there? The size of the United States is imposing.

Poland Will Fit Inside The Lone Star State

Poland Will Fit Inside The Lone Star State


Many Countries Will Fit Inside The United States At Once

Even though it is not the biggest country by landmass, many countries would fit in the United States. A Redditor posted the map below and did a great job filling it with not much room to spare. While the United States has many lands to offer, much of the country is unpopulated right now.

Many Countries Will Fit Inside The United States At Once

Many Countries Will Fit Inside The United States At Once