You Can Count On These Maps If You Want A New Perspective

Published on 12/07/2020

The Circle Shows The Majority Of The Global Population

It is still amazing to think that there are more than 7 billion people on Earth. More than half that lives in the highlighted portions of this world map. It is a pretty big area, but many people live in major cities that popped up quickly in recent years. The United States only has 5 percent of the world’s population!

The Circle Shows The Majority Of The Global Population

The Circle Shows The Majority Of The Global Population


The Sport That Rules Them All

We are not shocked to hear that soccer is the most popular sport in many places globally. Cricket might surprise you, but it is an international sport full of popular athletes with millions of fans! There are lots of sports to choose from in the United States. Wrestling and baseball are pretty popular.

The Sport That Rules Them All

The Sport That Rules Them All