The Extent Of The Mongolian Empire In 1279
Did you know that the biggest land empire in history is the Mongolian Empire? It even reached Central and Eastern Europe! It reached the north Arctic, the Sea of Japan, the Levant Mountains, the Indian subcontinent, the Iranian Plateau, and the Southeast Asia mainland. It was formed by nomadic tribes and led by Genghis Khan. It ended with the fall of the empire but spanned nine million sq. mi before that.

The Extent Of The Mongolian Empire In 1279
The United States Is Gigantic Compared To New Zealand
Fun fact: The United States is the fourth-biggest country on the planet. Compared to it, New Zealand is tiny. Let us compare their actual sizes. The United States is believed to be 9,833,517 sq. km. On the other hand, New Zealand has an area of 268,838 km. Yes, the United States is 3,558 percent bigger than the country in the southwestern Pacific. New Zealand, the United Kingdom are roughly the same size.

The United States Is Gigantic Compared To New Zealand