When buying anything online, it’s somewhat of a gamble when you think about it. You might see a photo of what you’re supposedly buying, but you can never be sure that’s what you’re going to get at the end of the day. Naturally, this leads to many hilarious stories of people receiving the most ridiculous items. Let’s take a look at some of the best online shopping fails.
Mini Converse
We all know how risky it can be ordering anything online. So it’s not surprising that this applies to any and all items – not just clothing. Here we see a case where an enthusiastic grandmother ordered her beloved grandson a Converse backpack for school. Well, it’s safe to say she didn’t get what she thought she would. In theory, it might be the same item, but in reality, it’s much smaller than it was meant to be and how it appeared online.
Made In…
We’ve all ventured onto websites we know aren’t trustworthy. We all need to find things out for ourselves and make our own mistakes, right? It’s only natural. Well, this woman did just that. She’d hoped she would receive that stunning maternity dress in the photo – plus a second dress she had ordered – but instead, all she got was the atrocity in the second photo. We can practically feel her disappointment through the screen.