Paper Towel Hacks That Will Change Everything

Published on 11/16/2020

Avoid Oil Drips

If you’re one who uses cooking oil often, you know how frustrating it is to have it drip everywhere after pouring from the bottle. That’s when your bottle of oil starts feeling unbearably greasy and it gets hard to hold, risking even more messes in the kitchen. All in all, it’s not a good situation. Luckily, there is a cheap, easy, and quick solution to this issue. Just wrap a paper towel around the neck of the bottle and secure it with a rubber band. No more drips!

Avoid Oil Drips

Avoid Oil Drips


Quick Ice Pack

For all those times you’ve just burned yourself and need an ice pack, don’t worry. Place a wet paper towel in the freezer for a few minutes and use it as a makeshift ice pack! It works just as well and will relieve the soreness in just moments. On top of that, it’s more sterile and quick than using an actual ice pack or waiting for one to solidify. Once you’re done with the one you’ve made, you can simply throw it out.

Quick Ice Pack

Quick Ice Pack