Squeaky Clean Microwave
Cleaning the microwave can be such a pain sometimes. You can spend so long slaving away wiping down the sides only to see none of the stains came off. To save yourself all that pointless work, this hack should be your go-to. Place a damp paper towel in the microwave for 3 minutes. The steam will loosen all the dirt and grime, making it so easy to wipe down afterward. It will only take seconds instead of hours. Not to mention, the results will be better as well.

Squeaky Clean Microwave
Extend Your Greens’ Shelf-Life
From now on, you won’t have to worry about all your greens wilting too quickly for you to use them all. It’s a struggle we all have to deal with more often than not. It can be a significant problem, but that doesn’t mean that the solution is complex. In fact, it’s so simple! All you need to do is wrap your greens in a paper towel before sealing the bag. Or, place a layer of dry paper towel inside the bag to absorb all the excess moisture that normally causes the greens to go bad.

Extend Your Greens’ Shelf Life