Actress Lori Loughlin Will Be Wearing An Orange Suit In The Midst Of The Pandemic

Published on 08/27/2020

And So The Scandal Begins

Getting into a good college in America is no easy task. It takes money, contacts, grades, sports, and many other things. There are people that for some reason don’t manage to get into their dream school. Sure, there are millions of other options but getting rejected from your dream school is tough. Wouldnt you do anything to avoid your children’s disappointment and despair? Well, keep reading to find out who would and how.


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And So The Scandal Begins



Money Can Buy Many Things, Freedom May Be One Of Them?

As it turns out, both daughters of Lori were supposed to get into the University of Southern California. Their parents made a very generous donation of $500.000 to the admissions committee, and by donation, we mean alleged bribery so that their daughters would be accepted and join the women’s rowing team. On March 13, 2019, the couple was apprehended by the federal authorities in Los Angeles. They were released on bail of $1 million.


Money Can Buy Many Things, Freedom Is Not One Of Them