No One Likes Bad Reviews
Any company is dissatisfied with a negative examination or a negative internet customer review. After all, who is going to be there with negative feedback? When members of the public became aware of the joke, they did not hesitate to spread the word about the establishment. Netizens were of the opinion that such a company should not be allowed to do so! The bar immediately removed the advertisement after receiving numerous negative reviews that never stopped coming in. Cohen, on the other hand, has a screenshot, which he uploads to his own profile. They were not able to get away with it.

No One Likes Bad Reviews
He Was Right And They Agreed
When Cohen read all of the comments, he almost burst out laughing at his fellow Beer 88 drinkers and other Facebook users. He was pleased to learn that the post had received a great deal of flak at the restaurant. It became clear that the general public was on his side. Was the public’s response, on the other hand, sufficient?

He Was Right And They Agreed