The Most Expensive Things Owned By The Queen Elizabeth II

Published on 02/03/2021

Two Black Jaguars

Owned Since: 1968
Valued At: $56,000*
The Queen owns two scarce black jaguar cats. Aizita and Marques are the jaguars’ names, and they live in the London Zoo, along with the other exotic animals that the queen was gifted with. The rarest of all panthers is the elusive black jaguar. Owing to hunting and habitat destruction, only 600 exist in the wild. There are more black jaguars than non-black jaguars in the dense vegetation. Animal experts are on duty round the clock to ensure that the jaguars stay happy and healthy.

Two Black Jaguars

Two Black Jaguars


Offshore Wind Farm

Owned Since: 2010
Valued At:
$900 million*
Most individuals do not realize that the Crown actually owns several different renewable energy projects. The British Queen owns the seabed and anything erected on it. The wind farm was built in 2010, just a few miles off the coast. The cost is staggering, and the company developed it for $900 million. The Crown announced the project in 2004, but it wasn’t completed until 6 years later. Analysts predict that Queen Elizabeth will generate millions of dollars from her wind farms.

Offshore Wind Farm

Offshore Wind Farm