Ranking The Most Expensive Celebrity Houses

Published on 01/10/2019

Playboy Mansion: $100 Million, Los Angeles

Naturally, we had to include the famous Playboy mansion, former home to the late Hugh Hefner and some of his playmate girlfriends, on this list. Perhaps, Hollywood’s most famous mansion, the estate is about 22,000 square feet with a gym, spa, 3 zoos, tennis and basketball court, game room, screening room, underground wine cellar, 29 bedrooms, offices, a waterfall, photography studios, enormous swimming pools and 3 full forests. Of course, there’s always staff there for gardening, cooking, cleaning and security.

Playboy Mansion 100 Million Los Angeles

Playboy Mansion: $100 Million, Los Angeles


Patrick Dempsey: $14.5 Million, Malibu

This Grey’s Anatomy star’s Malibu mansion covers about 5 acres of land and includes 4 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms within its 4,415 sq. feet. Initially, Patrick Dempsey put down a mere $7 million for the estate, but then he chose to remodel the property in order for it to feel more ‘homey.’ Just like his character, Derrick, he has an Airstream trailer within a beautiful garden of vegetables, herbs and flowers.

Patrick Dempsey 14.5 Million Malibu

Patrick Dempsey: $14.5 Million, Malibu