Artist Igor Loskutow Made A Wooden Dragon Bench Using A Chainsaw
We do not usually think of a chainsaw as something you use for precision cutting. However, Igor Loskutow was no ordinary man. A member of the Husqvarna chainsaw sculpture team, he traveled across the European continent to show off his incredible skill set. The stunning dragon bench was carved with the head and tail curling around where the viewer is supposed to sit. It is a great example of grace and precision! The bench got the top honors during the 2015 Huskycup World Title and rightly so! In 2017, Loskutow started to construct a similar bench but used different woods for a fiery effect.

Artist Igor Loskutow Made A Wooden Dragon Bench Using A Chainsaw
American Civil War Era Surgeon’s Kit
War zone medics are always in danger, which is why it is impressive that they can perform operations. They work under a lot of duress and typically have to work with limited equipment. This is even worse for a medical professional back in the Civil War. The medics did not only have a limited amount of resources, but they also had to work during one of the bloodiest conflicts the world has ever seen. The photo below shows us a well-stocked medical kit, but there is a good chance that a medic in the field needed to work with what medicine and material they had. We bet they hoped the brandy was strong enough for the person they were working on because it must have been very painful!

American Civil War Era Surgeon’s Kit