Gorgeous Necklace Created By Georges Fouquet In 1905
This art deco necklace was created by French jewelry designer Georges Fouquet in 1905. He was best known for intricate pieces and joined his father in the industry during the 19th century. In the 1900s, he started a shop of his own and became known for art nouveau necklaces like this one here. His works were more than just a fashion statement, and many of them are now on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and the Petit Palais in Paris. There is also a recreation of the shop at the Carnavalet Museum in Paris.

Gorgeous Necklace Created By Georges Fouquet In 1905
Massive Olmec Warrior Head Sculptures
The massive Olmec head sculptures are among the most famous tribal artworks in the world. They were found close to San Lorenzo and La Venta and provided some insight into a community that researchers knew little about. They do not only show the distinct physical attributes of the people, but they also took a lot of manpower to make. The statues were hand-carved using a basalt boulder, some of which had to be transported a hundred kilometers or even more to the final destination. It is already hard enough to fathom just how they were transported there, let alone chiseled away into this.

Massive Olmec Warrior Head Sculptures