This Victorian Era Hearse from Dresden Is A Thing Of Beauty
This hearse comes from Dresden. It sure is beautiful! The intricate design is one that you will find everywhere back in the Victorian era, but this is a bit more extra than usual. The glass door and carved angels were not exactly common sights in the burial market, but this makes the hearse even more interesting. There is not much construction information about it, so the owner and driver remain a mystery. However, we are sure that everyone wanted to use a hearse this beautiful! After all, who would not want to send their loved ones off in style?

This Victorian Era Hearse from Dresden Is A Thing Of Beauty
Intricate 18th Century German Door Shows Off Great Workmanship
Woodworking has always been a very important part of everyday life regardless of your status in life. Everyone, rich or poor, needs doors, after all. By the 1700s, the art of woodworking already involved more than just the creation of a barrier between the elements and a person. Artisans were already spending long hours into the creation of lovely pieces of furniture that was not only functional but also lovely to look at! The Germans have always loved woodworking, but similar designs have also been seen in colonial American furniture because of the high numbers of German immigrants who flew across the pond in the past.

Intricate 18th Century German Door Shows Off Great Workmanship