An 8-Track Cassette Radio Dating Back To The 1970s
If you wanted to listen to some music in the car before 1965, you needed to have a lot of money to install a record player in the car. However, the catch is that it did not make for a nice listening experience since the sound was full of scratching and sniping. It was in 1965 that Ford Motor Company offered an 8-track cartridge player in their sportier vehicles. RCA countered this by releasing their back catalog on cartridges. Made by the private jet industry company Lear Jet Corporation, 8 track cartridges allowed people to listen to their favorite tunes without needing to buy an LP or wait for it to come upon the radio!

An 8-Track Cassette Radio Dating Back To The 1970s
A Bunch Of Pinball Machines At The Arcade In 1968
Early versions of the pinball machine sure were beautiful! Players needed to have a lot of skill if they wanted longterm play. In the beginning, the flippers did not face inwards but outwards, so the game was very difficult to play. Of course, this only made young folks even more desperate to be good at it! Kids had fun for hours on end, while arcade owners got a lot of change. After the Second World War, manufacturers such as Gottlieb started making them with flippers facing inwards and placed near each other. Many collectors believe that the old ones are the greatest classic pinball machines ever, however!

A Bunch Of Pinball Machines At The Arcade In 1968