Leon Panetta Offered To Open A $10,000 Bottle Of Wine For Osama Bin Laden’s Head
After the terrible events that went down on September 11, 2001, Osama Bin Landen was considered public enemy number one of the West. Everyone wanted to locate the Taliban ringleader and enact justice to restore the honor of the country. We know that there was at least one restaurateur who put a bounty on his head. Ted Balestreri of California jokingly said that he would open his 141-year-old Chateau Lafite Rothschild bottle with the US Secretary of Defense if they contributed to the death or capture of the terrorist. After Bin Laden was taken down in 2011, the restaurateur said that it would be his honor to uncork the bottle as part of the celebration.

Leon Panetta Offered To Open A $10,000 Bottle Of Wine For Osama Bin Laden’s Head
This 16th Century Ring Turns Into An Astronomical Sphere
This 16th-century ring can unfold into a geometrical shape and is mind-boggling if you think about it. This intricate ring was designed to be worn around a finger as it folds out into several smaller rings. How fascinating is that? The maker of the ring must have spent days, maybe even weeks, to ensure that this incredible piece of jewelry works this way. Of course, it is also possible that they first made several prototypes before they arrived at just the right configuration. Maybe they even had to come up with a detailed blueprint before they started the actual construction of the ring.

This 16th Century Ring Turns Into An Astronomical Sphere