Doctors Quarantine Man’s House Because Of A Rock He Found

Published on 03/31/2020

Following Their Dreams

Would the couple choose to settle their debt or pay off their mortgage? Maybe they would go into early retirement? In a perfect example of “British restraint”, Steven told the Daily Mirror, “If it is worth a lot of money, it will go a long way towards buying us a static caravan. It would be a dream come true.”

Following His Dreams

Following Their Dreams

While in the middle of a home renovation, a couple from Ohio found something odd in their house. They were about to start working on renovating their basement, but they had no idea what would really be in store for them. The first thing they did during their basement renovation included peeling off the plywood from the ceiling. What they found would change their lives.

Demolition In Progress

They were intrigued by the object they found and started looking into matters some more. However, they had no idea they would need to get in touch with the FBI for what they would find.

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The FBI Searched Their Home After A Renovation


Chipping Away

From the moment they started their basement renovations, this couple knew that they would be in for a bunch of surprises. The first thing the husband saw was graffiti hiding behind the walls! What they were going to find later, though, would change everything.

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Chipping Away