Slimy? Eww. Beady eyes? Double eww. Fangs filled with deathly venom? Yeah, I’m creeped out and running for the hills. Snakes have the uncanny ability to shame even the scariest horror films simply by their slithery presence. Albeit, it’s common knowledge that snakes also are incredibly dangerous which is why we rounded up a list of THE deadliest snakes around the globe. Check it out, if you dare.
Thanks to Hollywood flicks, we’re all quite familiar with the Anaconda. The snake, not the song! What the anaconda lacks in venom quantity, as it’s bordering on very, very low, it makes up for in size. Additionally, the Anaconda’s method of killing is to wrap victims around the midsection and compress until they are totally crushed. Only then does it swallow you whole. GULP.

Southeastern Brazil is where you’ll find the Jararaca, one of most known venomous snakes around. During 1902 and 1945, the Jararaca caused more than 52% (3,446 cases) of snakebites, with a staggering 0.7% mortality rate (25 deaths). No thanks, I’m reconsidering my cheap ticket to the area as we speak.
