Watch Out: The Deadliest Snakes Around The Globe

Published on 09/06/2020

Puff Adder

Book a cheap flight to savannah or the grasslands from Morocco and western Arabia all throughout Africa (apart from the Sahara and rain forest areas) if you want to encounter the Puff Adder. However seeing as how it’s literally responsible for the most snakebite fatalities in Africa, we suggest you don’t push your luck. Puff adders tend to hang in highly populated areas and they also have an immensely aggressive disposition – what you want in a snake, really.

Puff Adder

Puff Adder


The Common Brown Snake

One of the most venomous snake is the common brown snake. Although it is not as poisonous as the inland taipan, it makes up for it with its particular aggressiveness. The common brown snake is native to Australia and New Guinea and is considered to be particularly dangerous. She reacts extremely nervously when they meet and usually bites immediately. She is extremely fast and can take 4 to 5 bites in quick succession at once.

Screenshot 7

The Common Brown Snake