The Impressive Homes And Cars Of Famous Athletes

Published on 04/25/2019

The most famous athletes in the world have some of the most exquisite homes and cars we’ve ever laid our eyes on. Check out the fancy mansions and vehicles these stars call their own and try not to gasp at the jaw-dropping price tags! We guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Michael Jordan: $15 Million, Chicago

As you probably assumed from the #23 on the privacy gate, this is the home of legendary NBA star Michael Jordan. MJ’s 9 bedroom, 12 bath humble abode is custom designed for a man of his caliber. You can find an indoor basketball court, wine cellar, tennis court, luxe gym and a few pools in his $15 million Chicago residence.

Michael Jordan 15 Million Chicago

Michael Jordan: $15 Million, Chicago


Michael Phelps: $2.5 Million, Scottsdale

After the 2016 summer Olympics, Michael and his fiancé decided to settle down in Scottsdale, Arizona in this fabulous 6,000 square foot home.The property sits on 1 acre of land and boasts top of the line finishes. The 6 bed, 5 bath Mediterranean style mansion obviously has the nicest pool money can buy…we are talking about Michael Phelps of course!

Michael Phelps 2.5 Million Scottsdale

Michael Phelps: $2.5 Million, Scottsdale