Find Out The Heartbreaking Significance Of The Purple Butterfly Stickers That You See In Hospitals

Published on 07/30/2020

A Hard Time

The presence of a bereavement midwife helped, but Smith still had a hard time after the delivery. She did not only have to go through grief at the death of Skye, but things were also uncertain for Callie. The young girl was still in the NICU. With new parents going in and out of the facility, the ward regulars started to become less familiar with the story of the twins.

A Hard Time

A Hard Time


They Soon Forgot

When Smith talked to Today, she shared, “Most of the nurses were aware of what had happened, but as time passed, people stopped talking about Skye. After about four weeks, everyone acted as though nothing had happened, meaning the families around me had no idea about our situation.” It must have been difficult to feel like your pain was going unnoticed.

They Soon Forgot

They Soon Forgot