Find Out The Heartbreaking Significance Of The Purple Butterfly Stickers That You See In Hospitals

Published on 07/30/2020

Raising Funds

In particular, the couple set their eyes on £10,000, which is around $12,500. This would let them pay for a counselor at Kingston Hospital. The foundation started off on the right foot with Smith taking to Facebook to reveal her plan for the project. Thousands of netizens shared the post, which meant that there was a lot of support for the idea!

Raising Funds

Raising Funds


Finding Purpose

Smith found a new purpose by working on the Skye High Foundation after losing one of her daughters. She said, “Charity work was something very new to me as I was very career-focused, but I am learning every step of the way. It was my way of dealing with what had happened; it was a turning point for me.”

Finding Purpose

Finding Purpose