These Photos Show What It Is Like To Be A Very Tall Woman

Published on 10/27/2020

The Brazilian Giant

How do you know if your friend is tall? A good way to tell is when the top of your head is at the same level as their waist. What a great photo! It just tells us that friendship does not care about physicality. After all, these two ladies are feet apart and remain good friends. That is all the proof that we need.

The Brazilian Giant

The Brazilian Giant


The Longest Legs In The Country

We doubt that your legs are as high as your lawnmower. This is the case for a woman by the name of Holly Burt. She stands at 6’5”, which means that she is almost always the tallest woman in the room. Did you know that Times magazine claimed that she has “the longest legs in America”? Good for her!

The Longest Legs In The Country

The Longest Legs In The Country