Double The Fun
Mrs. Brady was played by two women on the show. At first, the comical actress Joyce Bulifant played the role. During screen tests, she was used as Mrs. Brady and even during casting. At the last second, the producers flipped the script and wanted a calmer and more subdued actress for Mrs. Brady, so they chose Florence Henderson, who eventually got the part.

Double The Fun
Serious Tension
It’s that one line that every fan who loves the show remembers: “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia”. If you think that was an original part of the script, you’re off the mark. Eve Plumb (Jan) and Maureen McCormick (Marcia) actually had a real life romantic quarrel over Desi Arnaz Jr. Those two Brady sisters did not get along at all, and their words became television gold.

Serious Tension