The Secret Starts To Come Out
One of the Carpenters’ close friend, Evelyn Wallace, narrated the time she noticed Karen hanging out in the garden. At that moment, she realized that Karen needed help. “She loved to go lay out in the sunshine. I don’t know whether it was to get a tan or get away from her mother. Anyhow, I happened to go out to the kitchen for something and I saw her out there. She just had on her little bathing suit shorts. You couldn’t tell whether it was a girl or a boy. She had absolutely no breasts,” she said.

The Secret Starts To Come Out
The Public Notices
Fans did not fail to notice that something was wrong. Her dwindling weight had an impact on the way she looked and their idol definitely did not appear healthy. They expressed alarm, but they speculated that the singer had cancer or something similar.

The Public Notices