The Real Tom Selleck

Published on 07/09/2018

Farm Life

As an equestrian, there is no doubt that Hannah adores horses. It is not a stretch to say that she would be a different person without it! So what has she been up to recently? “I have a small breeding program in California where I’m developing young horses to bring along and sell. It’s a business that so far has been really great and a great experience. It is a very expensive sport, so that is why my dad encouraged and invested in this breeding operation. They have been very supportive. The prices of horses have become astronomical. So that’s why it’s so much more rewarding to bring a horse along on your own.”

Farm Life

Farm Life

How Far?

It must be hard to run a 60-acre avocado farm. We bet that it is a difficult operation and that control is important at all times. This must have been difficult during the California drought several years ago! Tom Selleck actually hired a truck to get water from a hydrant in a nearby town. In the end, they found that he transferred water that was worth around $1.4 million during this period! This was clearly a felony in the eyes of the law.

How Far

How Far?