As far as sensational political commentators go, Tucker Carlson is leading the charge. Either you love him or hate him…there is no in-between. Maybe you’re a fan of Fox News but even if you’re not it’s still hard to ignore Carlson because his ratings dominate the news cycle at Fox. Who is he when cameras aren’t rolling? There’s a lot more to Tucker Calrson than you see on television. From his personal life to his extreme political views, you should hear who he really is. Of course, you may be wondering if he actually stands behind everything he says on air…

Tucker Carlson: Facts You Might Want To Know
Tucker Carlson’s Roots
It’s only natural that we start at the beginning. Just who is Tucker Carlson and how did he get to where he is today, those are some pretty important questions folks! Born in San Francisco, Carlson is the oldest of former L.A. news anchor Richard Warner Carlson. In fact, Richard was also the U.S. ambassador to the Seychelles AND was president of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and director of Voice of America. Could that explain where Tucker got his love for media? Possibly. We wonder just how proud Carlson’s parents are regarding their son’s status as a celebrity – a sometimes not so liked celebrity that is.

Tucker Carlson’s Roots