I Kissed A Girl
When the capital of Russia marked its 862nd birthday, you can expect a lot of partying. There were 4,500 events around Moscow to celebrate! Additionally, it goes without saying that parties come with a lot of drinking. So, you better assume that there are a lot of drunk citizens walking around. Ekaterina Gracheva, a news reporter of RT was suddenly kissed by an enthusiastic young guy during her cover of the celebration. Your city’s birthday is definitely no excuse for sexual harassment!

I Kissed A Girl
The fact that everyone involved appears to be having a good time suggests that they justified their actions to themselves. I know this isn’t the case for everyone, but the anchor deserves credit for remaining calm under pressure.
Number Two
You can never say no to the call of nature. A woman was reporting about the weather when suddenly a dog decided to do his business in the background. He simply did a number two on live television, completely unbothered. Well, when you have to go, there’s no stopping it.

Number Two
That the dog happened to be in the right place at the right time is pretty hilarious. Many people have probably heard the news, and boy, do you ever have a name!