Creepy Crawly
Spiders are one of the most terrifying creepy crawlies out there. So when this TV host finds herself being crawled on by one, she was definitely creeped out. The spider was deliberately placed on her chest by the guest.

Creepy Crawly
Everyone in the room must have been laughing at this point. It happens all the time, and many of us are guilty of doing it to people we’re close with. The fact that it was broadcast on television made us feel embarrassed for the woman.
Maintaining a professional facade in front of the camera is truly a challenge. Even more so when the topic you are presenting is not so serious. Two anchors from a local news channel were presenting news about a pig called Goliath.

The show’s producers accidentally aired a b-roll clip of Goliath’s privates. When the anchors saw how large the pig’s “man parts” were, they lost it and started laughing. Their tempers had to cool for a while.