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Everyone looks forward to the halftime of every Super Bowl. However, the halftime of Super Bowl XXXVII was more than what everyone expected. Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake were performing on stage when suddenly a horrible wardrobe malfunction happened.

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“Nipplegate” refers to the infamous incident in which Janet Jackson’s nipple shield–decorated breast was accidentally exposed. The incident brought a lot of criticism to both Timberlake and Jackson. Even now, people are talking about it.
Two anchors from the Ten News station were wrapping up a segment about the Olympian athlete’s small urn. Mark, one of the anchors stated that he does not understand how something so small can be so impressive. To which Belinda, his co-anchor smoothly replied: ” Well Mark, you would know about that.” Mark probably did not appreciate the comment. Burn!

“Mark, you would know about that”, his co-anchor Belinda replied coolly. I think Mark took the remark as a slight. Burn!