2018 Olympics
Now, this is something that happened just recently. The 17-year-old Olympian Snowboarder, Red Gerard was at the PyeongChang 2018 Olympics to compete. The athlete apparently overslept, lost his coat, won the first Gold for the US, and cursed on international TV all in one day.

2018 Olympics
When he saw his final tally, he exclaimed, “Holy f**k, I won!” before embracing a reporter and hurling more expletives. Gerard is most deserving of the prize for Best Cursing.
Hey Kitty
The Fox 17 news reporter was in the middle of filming a live broadcast. Nicole DiDonato had a cat climb over her shoulder and had its paws over her. The cat stayed on her shoulder till the end of her segment! Luckily she was able to keep a straight face after her initial shock.

Hey Kitty
DiDonato tweeted after the incident that she had learned her lesson and would never again make eye contact with a cat just before going on air.