Troll Sportcoupé
This car’s name describes it to a tee. Troll is defined as “a mythical, cave-dwelling giant or dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance”. The Norwegian company Troll Plastik & Bilindustri attempted to create a fiberglass car, hoping the lightweight material and resistance to rust would appeal to buyers. While the idea was great and innovative, the design was extremely lacking. This particular model was only produced from 1956 until 1958, we guess the lack of sales was the cause for this!

Troll Sportcoupé
Hyundai Tiburon
This ugly car is officially called the Hyundai Tiburon, but in Europe it goes by the name the Hyundai Coupe. Funny enough, in Spanish, tiburon means shark, and this model does resemble the deep-water creature a bit! We’re sure the silver color only adds to the shark-like appearance.

Hyundai Tiburon