This Man Saved This Creature Under The Bed Without Knowing What It Was

Published on 03/22/2020

Gaining Weight

The next challenge Sinbad had was gaining weight – he was deeply malnourished when he was found. “We had a volunteer step up who is very good at getting cats to eat, started making a grool, putting it in his mouth and after six days of that he started eating on his own,” said Dr. Robyn Barbiers, president of the Chicago Anti-Cruelty Society.

Gaining Weight

Gaining Weight


Healthy Again

Once he was healthy again, Sinbad needed to be put up for adoption. However, something happened while he was being fostered. He had a special bond between him and his foster parent. “That first weekend when I took him home when he just wanted to lay on my chest and purr and chirp and be with me.” His foster parent said. “That convinced me that he wanted to stay”

Healthy Again

Healthy Again