The baffling disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines flight is no longer the latest mystery in a long timeline of unsolved plane disappearances and plane disasters. Here are the top cases of planes that vanished without a trace:
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
In March 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight M370 mysteriously vanished. It was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. There have been many theories about what happened. Some believe the flight was shot down during a joint military exercise between the USA and Thailand. Others believe it was hijacked as the date coincides with the 13th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks. While this event remains a mystery, aviation experts have stated whatever happened was a deliberate act of someone on board. Who knows for sure?

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Air France Flight 447
Air France Flight 447 was going from Rio de Janiero to Paris when it went missing in the middle of the ocean in 2009. 216 passengers and 12 crew members were on board. There were no traces of the plane or the passengers found. While the plane did go through a thunderstorm, no distress signal was sent. There are many educated guesses about what happened, but no one knows for sure what happened.

Air France Flight 447