Simón Bolívar
Simón Bolívar was a Venezuelan military leader and is among the most influential figureheads in history. He played a big part in Venezuela’s revolution against Spain. He was born into a considerably wealthy family and he went to Spain to study, but he ended up becoming part of the resistance movement. After France invaded Spain, he was dubbed “El Libertador,” meaning The Liberator. He died in another form of battle – the disease tuberculosis.

Simón Bolívar
What Simón Bolívar Really Looked Like
You might have thought that the man in this photo was a real human being, but we can’t really blame you because this rendering is so lifelike. The forensic imagery team responsible for this spent one whole year poring through historical documents, with the Venezuelan government extending them a little help. After doing a lot of research, the team created this – a legendary rendering of Simón Bolívar. Many people who see this might find him really aesthetically pleasing, but we bet they wouldn’t think so if they only saw paintings of him.

What Simón Bolívar Really Looked Like