Emperor Nero
During the Julio-Claudian dynasty, Nero became the emperor of Rome at the age of 17. In his fifth year of reign, he had his mother murdered, and soon became more active in politics. Nero is also known for having made public appearances as a musician, actor, poet, and charioteer, and many people believe this undermined his authority. The upper and middle classes detested him when he raised taxes that he used to fund his empire’s extravagant public and private works.

Emperor Nero
What Nero Really Looked Like
In 2019, modern technology helped Spanish artists create a lifelike rendering of this Roman Emperor. They based it on the drawings, busts, and descriptions of Nero and you can see that they got his attributes quite well, even his arrogant smirk and chinstrap. In 64 A.D., a fire consumed Rome, but Nero just dressed up, went to the roof of his palace and proceeded to sing there. Before others could kill him, he took his own life and said, “What an artist dies in me!”

What Nero Really Looked Like