Julius Caesar
Roman politician and war general Julius Caesar is mainly responsible for expanding the Roman Empire. Before invading Britain, he crossed the English Channel and Rhine River, becoming the first Roman general to do so. He did not step down from command, but instead re-entered Roman Italy under arms, which incited a civil war. There are a lot of sculptures of him like the one here, but a more realistic rendering of Caesar was created in 2018.

Julius Caesar
What Julius Caesar Really Looked Like
Julius Caesar’s lifelike bust can be found at the National Museum of Antiquities located in Leiden, Netherlands. This 3D reconstruction was created by scanning one of the marble portraits of Caesar using 3D technology. After winning the Roman civil war, he started his reign as a dictator by making social and governmental reforms, even granting citizenship to people from the farthest regions of the empire. However, the Senate’s elite members had not been pleased by his reign, so they assassinated Caesar in 44 B.C.

What Julius Caesar Really Looked Like