30 Reasons To Invest In A Bottle Of WD-40
You would be dead wrong if you think the uses of WD-40 is limited to fixing noisy doors and rusted screws! No, this so-called “lubricant” can actually be used to alleviate a variety of problems. Among other things, you could use it to fend off furry animals monopolizing the bird feeder or to get bubble gum out of your precious hair. WD-40 is a really versatile material and people are finding new uses for it day after day! Who knows, you might someday find a new problem it can fix or alleviate. Like duct tape, the creators initially failed to realize what their invention had to offer.
At this point, you are probably wondering what the deal is with its name. Well, we’ll have you know that the product actually comes with a pretty interesting story. In the name, the “WD” means “water displacement” since this was the original purpose of the product created by Norm Larsen back in 1953. Go figure. On the other hand, the “40” is there to indicate that it is the 40th formula. The company is founded in and run from San Diego, California. According to the rumor mill, employees generally don’t ‘stick around’ for long… Get it?
Now, barely any of us know what the manufacturers use in the product but we suppose it doesn’t really matter. After all, it does not seem like anything will change when we find out the technical details. Honestly, how many of us actually understand how radio waves and electricity work? Maybe we should just be happy that the product works and go from there! If the manufacturers and inventors can’t be bothered to explain to us how the product works, maybe it is not all that important. As long as we can use it to fix our problems, we’re good to go!
We recommend keeping WD-40 handy no matter what profession you have. It will be useful for a carpenter, nurse, grade school teacher, world traveler, car collector, cyclist, or motorcycle enthusiast! When you learn its benefits, you will find out why. Now, let us take a look at the list and discuss the benefits of this versatile product. Prepare to be (pleasantly) surprised at the ideas you are about to hear. You know what they say – don’t knock it till you try it.
WD-40 For Shining Your Silver
Silver is meant to shine as brightly as possible. The more it looks like the sun rose from behind the candlesticks, the better. Neglecting your silver is practically a crime in our books. Anyway, WD-40 is the way to go if you want to make your silver shine. All you need to do is take a spray and rub at the object in circular motions with wipes.

Shining Your Silver